General Dentistry
An early diagnosis is extremely important for the maintenance of a healthy oral cavity and teeth
The early detection of caries protects us from tooth extractions and ensures the preservation of them.
In our clinic, you will find the best and most contemporary methods of treatment and restoration.
We shall collaborate to find the best medical, aesthetic, and practical solution from simple resin fillings (white fillings) to all-ceramic restorations.
Diagnosis and treatment of periodontal problems at an early stage, ensures the maintenance of bone and soft tissues (gums and mucosa) in a healthy state ensuring the proper function of the oral system.
All treatments are organized by our clinic with absolute consistency in the scientific protocol and are performed by specialized associates.
The final stage to create the proper operating conditions of the oral system, is to restore the missing teeth, with either removable dentures or fixed restorations.
Each patient receives detailed information about the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions, which are based on the patients’ needs and are completely personalised.
A comprehensive treatment plan including therapy and restoration, is essential for both
health and social life.
In fact, it has been observed that the number of those who suffer from disorders of the oral system is constantly increasing.
Pain in front of the ear, vague facial pain, headaches non-related to a specific point and sleep disorders are associated with the dysfunction of jaw joints which affect our daily quality of life.
Each treatment is totally personalised and includes the patients’ personal details, the current oral cavity condition (including clinical and radiographic findings), the treatment plan (depending on the needs and scheduled treatment) and the expected total cost.
These medical plans can be submitted to public or private insurance providers.
We are always at your disposal in order to find together, the best approach for your treatment, so that you have the total financial control and make the most beneficial choice for yourselves.
Anxious Patients
Dare to do the next step
Unfortunately, dentistry is, in general, associated to stress and phobia. This happens more often than you may think!
As a result, the avoidance of dental treatment or even the dentist, because of fear, may lead to deterioration of our oral and general health.
Our priority is the elimination of your fears.
Many of our fears are hidden in our subconscious, as deep as… the roots of teeth.
Fear itself is not anything bad, provided that it works as a “mechanism” which protects us from danger.
However, when fear overwhelms you, for no apparent reason, it converts into a stressful and paralysing emotion.
For this reason, we would like you to share with us your thoughts freely, so that we relief you from anxiety and fears as simply as we would deal with the inflammation of a tooth.
There are several factors that can cause stress to a patient. Strange sounds, smells, or the atmosphere of the “cold white clinic”, negatively affect patients’ anxiety. We emphasized on creating a pleasant and cozy atmosphere in our clinic, so that patients feel comfortable from the beginning.
The unconventional waiting room, with the big table, will make you feel like not being in anticipation of the dentist.
We strongly believe that the highly aesthetic environment and the conversation with us, will help you relax and reduce, or even eliminate, your fear.
It is our duty to take care, not only of your oral health, but also of the causes and effects of your stress and fear.
The targeted and in-depth discussion of all stages of treatment, will answer your questions and discard anxiety and fear.
We provide additional solutions through our cooperation with the correspondingly organized clinic in Germany.
Beautiful, shiny teeth (Smile)
The main concern of our clinic is the maintenance of the natural teeth.
Alternative, prosthetic solutions, such as (prosthetic) bridges, Maryland bridge, crowns, porcelain veneers and implants are not the best option, when the tooth substance has not been damaged.
In cases of aesthetic deviations, such as discoloration, we may also apply teeth-bleaching with excellent results.
The methods we apply are listed below:
Bleaching in the clinic
This method is applied exclusively in the clinic in a session of about two hours.
The bleaching agents are activated chemically, by photo-stimulation or by laser.
Bleaching at home
This method is applied at home, during sleep just by using a suitable, personalised splint, custom-made in our clinic.
Internal Bleaching
According to this method, teeth which have undergone endodontic treatment and have been discolored, can be treated with a whitening substance which is placed inside the tooth.
This therapy is completed in a sequel of appointments in the clinic.
Single tooth whitening
In our clinic, whitening can be done on individual discolored teeth instead of bleaching all teeth.
We always decide along with our patient, the most effective, practical, accurate, fast and economical solution.
Oral Surgery
Wisdom teeth, cysts etc.
Invasive Dentistry covers a huge range of surgeries. Oral surgery aims at the treatment of pathological conditions, the improvement of masticatory ability and the solution of aesthetic problems.
The decision to proceed to surgery is made under the responsibility of the doctor after a detailed consultation with the patient. The main criteria for the surgery are based on the best, safest, long-lasting, and most conservative method of treatment. The most common surgery sessions in the oral cavity include: tooth extractions, wisdom tooth extractions, apexectomy (with or without retro-filling), implant placement, bone augmentation to restore bone loss, periodontal surgery, sinus lift surgery, removal of lesions or tumors of the bone and soft tissues of the oral cavity.
Teeth Extraction
Extracting is a major category in oral surgery, in which teeth are completely removed from the jawbone. The reasons why someone should undergo an extraction, vary.
Extraction becomes necessary if the tooth is decayed, if there is periodontal damage that affects its support in the bone or if it concerns the wisdom tooth.
It is severe, that those teeth, which have been damaged by caries should not remain in the oral cavity, as they can cause huge problems as inflammations, abscesses or even cysts.
Extracting is a very common procedure performed under local anesthesia in our clinic and is followed by individualised oral hygiene.
Due to the fact that extractions are stressful for many patients, please do not hesitate to contact us to find, together, a way to deal with it.
The Extraction of the Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are formed and appear last in relation to other teeth. Their rise in the oral cavity occurs during adulthood, although many times they may not appear at all and remain impacted or semi-impacted.
Because of their position in the oral cavity, they can cause a lot of problems.
Such problems may be inflammations, abscesses and cysts, damage-decay, or mobility of adjacent teeth and, less often oral lesions or even tumors.
Wisdom teeth are surgically removed under local anesthesia in our clinic. This means that the whole procedure is done directly in our clinic without additional appointments or delays.
The appropriate local anesthesia is considered particularly effective to ensure painless extraction.
It is totally correct and even preferable to extract all wisdom teeth in one session. It is often the most appropriate treatment as the recovery time is reduced and the patient is in much less pain.
We would like you to discuss with us the matter of wisdom tooth extraction, in order to discard the myths concerning the wisdom teeth.
Surgical Laser
Nowadays, the use of laser in surgical procedures is often considered necessary. Especially in cases of periodontal soft tissues, laser is considered a beneficial weapon in our hands.
A reliable and capable laser device in the right hands, gives impressive results painlessly, quickly, without check-ups and complications.
There is a variety of cases that we prefer laser to conservative surgery, such as, the removal of the lingual frenum, the labial frenum of the upper lip, the traumatic fibroma, the removal of black pigments (melanin) from the gums, the reduction of the microbial load and the relief of herpes or oral aphthae.
Treatment for the preservation of your teeth
Endodontic therapy is the most conservative therapy to preserve teeth which suffer from great damage.
Aiming at the most conservative treatment, endodontic treatment offers the possibility of preserving teeth with great damage. Whereas, in the past, decayed teeth were considered doomed to extraction, today things are different thanks to new technological means (such as the surgical microscope) which provide ways to “rescue” damaged teeth.
A high quality and successful Root Canal Treatment (endodontic treatment) reduces the chances of complex surgeries and the subsequent placement of bridges or implants.
Preserve your natural teeth
Teeth, against general belief, do not have a specific lifetime.
Based on this fact, we make our best effort to preserve your natural teeth in a healthy mouth. Even if a tooth has been severely decayed, if its crown has been broken or damaged, if there is damage to periodontal tissues (cyst, abscess), it can be maintained through conservative endodontic treatment.
The pulp (“nerve”) can be infected with bacteria. This infection causes severe pain and other complications.
Thanks to endodontic (root canal) treatment we can identify the cause of inflammation and eliminate it.
Also, in the past, teeth which were suffering from bone lesions had to be extracted due to lack of treatment.
Root canal treatment can remove the infected dental tissue and most of the times leads to the repair of damage at the edge of the tooth root.
For many people, preserving the natural teeth is a very sensitive issue.
Together, we will plan a painless treatment with the least possible intervention and maintenance of your natural teeth.
Root Canal Treatment
The soft tissue inside the teeth is called the pulp and consists of vessels and nerves.
If this tissue becomes infected or has already died from an injury or an old infection, it should be removed.
The tooth that was in contact with the infected tissue must also be cleaned and the tooth roots must be sealed.
This is simply the Endodontic Treatment that gives us the opportunity to prevent the spread of germs from the teeth into the jawbone or the soft tissues of the face.
Endodontic Treatment emerges as the only alternative to avoid extracting an infected tooth and by choosing it, we choose to live with our natural teeth.
Repetition of the Tooth Canal Treatment
The repetition of the Root Canal Treatment may become necessary if the bacteria and inflammatory areas present in the root canals (inside the roots) were not completely removed in the first therapy.
This may be due to anatomical features and does not completely cancel the first root canal treatment.
By removing the old root closure materials, the root canals are redefined, and the previous treatment is repeated.
Our experience in combination with our collaborations with highly experienced and remarkable endodontic colleagues, ensure the desired result.
Endodontic Microsurgery
In the least probable case, that treatment cannot be repeated or that even the repetition has not been achieved, there is the possibility of surgical treatment with visual aid (surgical microscope) with apexectomy and retro-filling. Our fully equipped clinic and highly experienced staff can deal with even the most demanding endodontic surgeries.
An exemplary solution
There is no doubt that our natural teeth are the best solution for our mouth. However, in some cases, maintaining a tooth is not always possible.
It is then that the need of a restoration with an artificial tooth is occurred, either with a bridge or with an implant.
These solutions respond to the highest functional and aesthetic standards.
There is no doubt implants are the mildest and most relevant solution for the natural tooth both functionally and aesthetically.
Contrary to bridges where adjacent teeth are grinded, implants do not burden the adjacent teeth.
Implants do not require the sacrifice of healthy dental substance from adjacent teeth.
An implant with the overlying crown can fully restore the natural missing tooth. After a short period of time (about a year) the implant is often considered as natural tooth by the patient.
According to a specific design and number of implants, restoration can be achieved with implants in one or both jaws.
The possibilities we have in modern implantology are great and we take full advantage of them. Jaw restoration with implants and immediate loading, extraction and immediate implant placement with temporary restoration or direct loading, a few years ago was considered impossible.
Today, under certain circumstances, everything is considered feasible.
There is no doubt, that Implants are the best solution when we need to restore a tooth.
Both the special design and equipment of our clinic for dealing with demanding cases related to implants and grafts, as well as our many years of experience in implants will ensure you a very high level of rehabilitation, providing you with all the necessary guarantees (objective measurement of osseointegration of implants/if they apply correctly, implant identities, etc.).
Our exclusive cooperation with only brand name Implant companies (Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Dentsply Sirona etc.), provides you with the possibility of controlling the whole procedure.
Correct information and the right treatment plan can help you make the right decision.
Are your gums healthy?
In periodontology, in essence, we resort to the treatment of the gums and the bone that supports the teeth.
Periodontal disease is divided into two main categories: gingivitis (the gum disease) and periodontitis.
Gingivitis is exclusively caused by bacterial inflammation of the gums.
In the long run and without treatment, gingivitis leads to severe damage to the soft tissues/gums and bone of the jaws and in the worst case, progresses to tooth loss.
It is extremely important to understand that the effects of periodontal disease do not only affect the oral cavity.
Gingivitis and periodontitis can lead to systemic damage of the general health.
Characteristic and scientifically substantiated is its adverse effect on the cardiovascular system, as well as the increased risk of premature birth during pregnancy.
With the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis, the proper oral hygiene and the regular dental check-ups can delay the progression of periodontitis or even prevent it.
The most modern means and methods of removing dental plaque and calculus (tartar) are applied in our clinic.
We also apply a proven, effective, modern diagnostic method that is to perform individualized bacterial culture to determine the bacterial load of the mouth.
Our experience and our collaborations with very experienced and worthy periodontists, ensure the desired result, even for the most demanding situations that may arise
When tooth filling can no longer help…
From a single tooth crown to the complete restoration of the jaw with implants (crowns on implants), we offer you every opportunity to replace natural teeth as best as possible.
While the dentures can be removed, the implants are permanently attached to the jawbone, resulting in the desired stability.
If you need any prosthetic restoration, we will advise you, in advance, on which option is right for you and which are the advantages or disadvantages.
After all we will choose together an optimal solution for a functional and aesthetic restoration which lasts for a very long time.
Fixed Prosthodontics
Fixed Prosthodontic is a very aesthetic form of fixed restoration. As bridges, crowns, implants, and veneers.
Although in the past fixed dental prosthesis were primarily metallic, the materials which are now preferred are ceramic. These have the advantage that they come extremely close to the natural appearance of the teeth.
If a tooth has suffered severe damage due to an accident or caries, sealing is no longer possible, the teeth must be restored.
It is also necessary to restore the lack of one or more teeth.
A fixed restoration will provide you with the maximum safety when chewing.
Removable Prosthodontics
Today, none should live without teeth or with a great lack of teeth.
Thanks to the great development of the Dental Prosthetics, it is possible to provide removable restorations-dentures that satisfy both functional and aesthetic requirements.
A removable denture refers to any prosthetic restoration that the patient can remove from the mouth. The use of removable dentures is usually considered necessary when it is not possible to provide fixed (stable) restorations (e.g. bridges).
Prosthetic dentures offer you the safety in chewing, the opportunity to speak clearly and restore your smile.
A complete denture is used when an edentulous jaw (with no teeth) needs to be restored.
Some dentures are used when some teeth are missing.
To ensure that the removable dentures fit exactly, they are made individually and have great repair possibilities.
A crown is nothing else but an artificial tooth case which covers the natural tooth.
Crowns are used in dental prosthetics if the damage of the tooth is too great for sealing.
The crown covers the tooth to restore its functionality.
Even if the crowns are considered prosthetic, they do not replace the real tooth, but serve to preserve them.
Very damaged teeth can be restored in whole or in part with a crown.
Also, aesthetic reasons may require its construction.
In fact, all ceramic crowns are aesthetically very close to the natural tooth. Ceramic crowns are not visually different from your natural teeth.
Alternatively, a metal-ceramic restoration always remains an excellent solution.
Prevention and teeth cleaning
Wellness… for your teeth
This area concerns all the precautionary measures to prevent the development of dental cavities.
Prerequisite for prevention is frequent checking, with accurate determination of the condition of the teeth.
If a pathological matter is identified, it will be treated directly in our clinic using the latest technology.
Of course, you will be informed about the steps before each treatment and if there is something you do not understand you will always have the opportunity to ask.
We are always available to satisfy your request for anesthesia to avoid possible pain.
Prevention also includes professional tooth cleaning, explanation of the brushing technique and flossing, as well as individual advice.
The Procedure
Generally, professional tooth cleaning involves the complete removal of the “hidden” soft and hard plaque above and below the gums. To evaluate the situation and examine the depth of the periodontal pockets, we measure these pockets before each cleaning.
Details are kept in the patients’ file for regular comparison during follow-up periods.
Subsequent medical deep cleaning is usually done with manual instruments (curettes and scalers) and gentle piezoelectric devices (ultrasound devices). Then, any discoloration and deposits on the tooth surfaces can be removed with special powder spraying equipment (airflow). In addition, our clinic uses special devices for gentle but more efficient and painless cleaning (airflow, perioflow). Rotating rubber cups or grinding brushes smooth the surfaces of teeth to facilitate the repositioning of sealants.
Finally, all the surfaces of the teeth are covered with a special varnish/fluoride gel to protect the enamel.
An anesthetic can also be used for gum sensitivity.
Despite its great importance and low cost, prevention is neglected both by patients and dentists.
Early check-ups can reduce treatment needs, time and cost but also prevent benign and malignant lesions in the oral cavity.
We will be glad to inform and if you wish, to include you in the organized check-up program of our clinic.
Definitely, you will feel safer.
Ioannis Diamantis
– Graduate of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (N.K.U.A.)
– Master of Science in Oral Pathobiology (N.K.U.A.)
– Postgraduate degree in Oral Surgery (N.K.U.A.)
– Special surgical training on advanced of USC (LA, CA)
– Full member of Hellenic Society of Odontostomatological Research (EOE)
– Active member of Hellenic Dental Society of Oral Surgery (HDSOS)
Sofia Georgikopoulou
– Graduate of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (N.K.U.A.)
– Master of Science in Prosthetic Dentistry, Guy’s and St. Tomas University of London
– Special training on Implantology DGZV

Dental Medicine
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