Temos International Healthcare Accreditation is a neutral and independent accreditation body for healthcare services, established in Germany.

Temos Hellas, the regional office of Temos International in Greece, founded in 2013 in order to cover the needs of the Greek and the Cypriot healthcare markets concerning the quality enhancement and assurance of patient safety.

Temos Accreditation standards are acknowledged, worldwide, -accredited by ISQuA-IEEAM, and have been applied in more than 200 providers and 14 countries around the globe.

Temos system has been developed since 2005 with continuous updates as the result of extensive research and feedback by globally active insurance and medical assistance companies to optimize quality in care and international patients’ management in healthcare services.

Temos Hellas supports medical facilities (hospitals, clinics, primary care units, dental practice offices and clinics, rehabilitation centers, reproductive centers and ophthalmology hospitals) in Greece and in Cyprus in their efforts to continuously work on their quality

and safety improvement through Temos International Accreditation programs which aim to the optimization of quality in clinical and non-clinical services, with the contribution of highly qualified international assessors’ teams.

Through its activity in Greece, Temos Hellas has being supporting recognition of the Greek healthcare providers on the international level and has been successfully contributing to their international cooperation.

The aim of Temos Hellas is to accomplish transparency, patient safety, and satisfaction, therewith to provide a trustful basis for patients, healthcare professionals, and further involved parties for optimized and effective diagnosis and treatment.

To learn more about the Accreditation Programs offered by Temos International, please press here

For further information, please visit the following links: www.temos-hellas.comwww.temos-international.com