Seborrheic dermatitis, often referred to as seborrheic eczema, is an inflammatory dermatitis with a chronic or recurrent form. About 2-4% of the population suffers from seborrheic dermatitis and in recent months there has been an increase with more frequent occurrence in men. It is a common mild dermatitis that affects the seborrheic areas and has a seasonal appearance with the summer months showing improvement and periods of flare-ups and relapses.
According to experts, it is due to a genetic predisposition but also to a combination of factors, such as stress, fatigue, sebum overproduction, hormonal disorders and the overgrowth of a fungus that is normally found on the skin (Malassezia). We also have a frequent occurrence of skin disease in patients with neurological diseases (eg Parkinson’s) and immune disorders.
The lesions are usually located on the face in the sebaceous glands, above the eyebrows, in the middle eyebrow, on the sides of the nose and very often on the scalp. Sometimes lesions appear on the sternum and less often on other areas of the skin with folds, such as the armpit. It is characterized by oily scales or scales, redness on the skin and scalp, flaking and intense itching which may show variable intensity.
Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis
Depending on the clinical picture, the stage and the symptoms of the patient, the treating physician may recommend the appropriate medication. The goal of treatment is keratolysis, reduction of inflammation and treatment of the fungus with special antifungal local remedies. A combination of keratolytic and / or sebum-regulating creams / lotions, keratolytic shampoos, cleansing creams, antifungal agents and / or topical treatment with anti-inflammatory action is usually suggested.
New form of acne from the protective mask
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of a protective mask has become commonplace and patients with sensitive, oily skin and other predisposing factors experience an exacerbation of acne in the mask area. The increase of sebum production in the skin, in combination with the friction and the pressure from the use of the mask but also the moisture that is created, lead to the appearance of the maskne.
How do we deal with it?
- Always wear a clean mask
- We wash our hands well and do not touch our face
- We take care of skin hygiene and choose the right moisturizing and sunscreen products based on our skin type
- Avoid using make up under the mask