Temos Hellas Ltd, the presentative office of the global accreditation body for healthcare services, Temos International, provides in Greece and Cyprus the unique “CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COVID-19 SAFE” MINIMIZING THE RISK OF COVID-19 TRANSMISSION IN HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS. The certification standards include best practices to:
- Minimize the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2
- Minimize disease transmission
- Identify and triage persons with presumptive COVID-19
- Prevent and break infection chains
- Reduce negative impacts on emergency departments & hospital bed capacity
- Maximize the efficiency of personal protective equipment (PPE) utilization
- Prepare for potential staffing shortages
- Prepare for a step-by-step re-opening
- Prepare for a step-by-step re-opening of departments
- Prepare for increasing patient numbers
- Prepare to apply alternative & supportive services to reduce over-occupancy
- In addition, specialized standards pertaining to the emerging use of telemedicine as well as preparing for the next event with crisis communication planning are also contained in the certificate program.
The “Certificate of Compliance: COVID-19 Safe” provides the necessary standards for hospitals and clinics to maximize patient, enhance staff safety while reducing transmission of the disease. The certificate of compliance delivers up-to-date standards to lead the way to achieve these goals, as an answer to the Covid-19 pandemic. To learn more, press here.