March 22, 2023

Comprehensive Inpatient and Outpatient Care

Blocks Rehab Filoktitis provides rehabilitation to individuals with brain injuries of all levels of severity, including traumatic brain injury, non-traumatic brain injury and brain injuries combined with bodily injury such as spinal cord injury, multiple fractures, or amputations. We are committed to seeing your potential for recovery and take pride in providing opportunities for recovery through creative, aggressive treatment planning and goal setting – regardless of the severity of your brain injury.

BLOCKS REHAB FILOKTITIS is proud to accept patients with a wide range of brain injuries. Our brain injury specialists are trained and highly skilled in the management and treatment of traumatic brain injuries and stroke.


Inpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient Rehabilitation is available for those needing intensive medical follow up and nursing care. The program maximizes outcomes by providing:

  • Comprehensive interdisciplinary care from a team of dedicated physicians, neuropsychologists, therapists, nurses and social worker 
  • Patient rooms, nursing care units and gym space specifically designed and equipped to meet the needs of patients
  • Specialized medical management, nursing and therapy in a rehabilitation setting
  • Both individual therapy and group treatment, including weekend therapy sessions
  • Support groups, counseling, designated education classes and individualized training to prepare families and caregivers
  • Programs directed by  physicians and clinical neuropsychologists with specialized interest and training in rehabilitation.  

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Recovery from brain injury does not end when you are transitioned from the inpatient program. It continues long after your return home.

 The Outpatient rehabilitation programs allow patients and their families to transition from the hospital setting to home while continuing to receive intense therapy services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, hydrotherapy, psychological support) education and individualized training also prepare families and caregivers for each patient’s transition.