The election process took place during the annual General Meeting on 9 April, where a large number of members were present and participated in the election of the new ELITOUR Board of Directors for the next three years.
Mr Patoulis said after the end of the process that Medical Tourism is the great opportunity for the development of our country and for the brain gain for Greek scientists.
There is a pluralism of members in Elitour, which is also highlighted by the participation of major hospitals in the new Board.
The order in which the new Board was elected is as follows:
Patoulis Georgios – Global Doctors’ Hippocratic Institute
Konstantinos Kouskoukis – Hellenic Academy of Thermal Medicine
Pantos Konstantinos – Genesis Athens
Valvi Marina – Aegean Airlines
Doubali Christina – Athens Medical Group
Tampourea Christina – Iaso
Mamalakis Petros – Health Tourism Greece
Tzaferis Meletios – Swiss Approval
Tzermias Christofer – Iq Skin Clinics
Kakoulidis Georgios – Asklepieia Health Cluster
Delichristou Vanesa – Athens Hospital
Paka Paraskevi (Vacky) – Mind Funds SFR
George Soras – Hygeia
Datseris Ioannis – OMMAG
Kouvelas Nikolaos – Eurodentica
Galanis Dimitris – Temos Hellas
Kyriakou Grigoris – Gamma Air Medical
Daskalakis Georgios – Metropolitan College
Kottaridis Georgios – Seneca Medical Group
Within the next few days the new Board of Directors is expected to be constituted.