FILOKTITIS Medical Rehabilitation Center has been awarded a three-year accreditation through the TUV HELLAS member of TUV NORD. This accreditation, which was an extension of an already in-place accreditation, extends through Nov. 30, 2024.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), implements the last methods and practices of management via the Total Quality Management (TQM) . TUV HELLAS follows the characteristics of proper certification, objective measuring, equity, education and training, established guidelines and person-centered approach. EN 15224 is a specialized standard that concerns application of a quality management system in the healthcare sector. This standard covers the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and, incorporating additional requirements for patient safety and the management of clinical risks, is an excellent choice for organizations that provide healthcare services. Compliance with this standard enables an organization to aim for long-term improvement of its healthcare services. EN 15224 certification will not only increase an organization’s organizational effectiveness and the quality of its services, but will also avert potential errors. It also improves an organization’s commerciality, giving it global promotion and earning it consumers’ confidence through its commitment to provide consistently high-quality services
FILOKTITIS treats a variety of patients, including those who have suffered a stroke, spinal cord injury, orthopaedic conditions, amputation, and more. Staff work with patients to address physical and medical challenges, such as mobility issues, self-care, feeding, swallowing, communication, and problem solving.
FILOKTITIS re-accreditation follows an intense one-day survey where all standards were considered. The TUV HELLAS accreditation is not required of the unit, but FILOKTITIS has been committed to achieving this recognition for several years. “By doing this, we’re choosing to set ourselves apart from others,” said CEO Kostis Prouskas, “We’re committed to making sure we’re proactive in improving the care we provide.” An example of this is rehabilitation’s work to refocus on patient outcomes. Rather than looking at outcomes on a monthly or quarterly basis, Dr G. Vissarakis,MD, Medical Director said the team discusses patient outcomes every day in their huddles.
Receiving the re-accreditation, it validates the work FILOKTITIS has done to provide excellence in rehabilitative care. All the interdisciplinary team works together in achieving re accreditation again. In fact, the surveyors pointed to the department’s teamwork as a reason for their success. “The interdisciplinary team of dedicated professionals is a true strength of the rehabilitation program,” surveyors noted in the document regarding the survey. “The quality of their work, which stems from their individual enthusiasm, expertise, and caring, is further enhanced by their cooperative working relationships. They also demonstrate a commitment to providing the best care possible to their patients.”
Staff at FILOKTITIS Medical Rehabilitation Center, Attica, Greece are driven to give patients the tools necessary to gain their independence.
Visit www.filoktitis.com.gr to learn more about the services provided.