Dealing with microbes, viruses and other micro-organisms has always been a challenge for medicine and all involved parties (internists, surgeons, nurses, laboratories, statistics and pharmaceutical industries). The majority of the historical steps and battles performed by the “medical army” throughout centuries regards the fight against clever enough and “invisible” enemies.
Such battles could not leave the patient air ambulance transport sector out of action. Gamma Air Medical, specialized in this field, follows strict hygiene measures directed to the protection of the patient and our medical and cockpit crew. These measures have always been under observation before the COVID-19 outbreak as a routine and we keep following them meticulously since the recent pandemic appearance with the necessary modifications and updates commanded by the new era circumstances.
Aircrafts, stretchers and medical equipment are cleaned and disinfected after each mission with specific products able to eliminate micro-organisms from surfaces, circuits and devices. Personal Protective Equipment is used by the members of our crews (head covers, face masks, gloves, eye protection devices and full body uniforms) in order to avoid spread of infectious particles both-ways (patient-to-crew and crew-to-patient). An antigen/PCR COVID-19 test (not older than 48 hours) must be available for each patient to be transported and this includes the non-medical escort also (if there is any).
Especially for patients who suffer COVID-19 infection, we use Isolation Chamber for the medical transportation with special filtering system (positive and negative air pressure) that assures and maintains a safe “breathing environment” for the patient and the medical crew. The Isolation Chamber is also cleaned and disinfected twice, which means before and after each patient’s accommodation. So far, we have successfully transferred many COVID-19 patients and not a single medical crew member or pilot has been infected.
With responsibility and dedication to our target, we provide a safe and clean environment for our crews and patients.