March 25, 2022

Inguinal hernia – How it is treated, how it is diagnosed and what causes it

Inguinal hernia is a very common form of hernia and affects many people around the world, regardless of gender. It is, in fact, probably the most common condition that reaches the office of a general surgeon. Although rarely dangerous, it requires treatment by a surgeon, who will assess the condition and proceed with surgery using methods that now reduce both the complications of a surgery and the recovery period, spectacular. 

What Is Inguinal Hernia? 

Our intestines and abdominal cavity are surrounded by a protective membrane, which is located under the abdominal muscles. Under suitable conditions (eg, weight lifting, stretching when the bowel moves during defecation or urination, overweight, increased pressure inside the abdominal walls or the presence of a weak spot in them), then the previously mentioned membrane protrudes through the soft tissue. This protrusion is called an inguinal hernia and causes severe pain, especially when lifting a heavy object, bending over or coughing. The size of an inguinal hernia varies and can be from a small tumor to a large mass. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Inguinal Hernia? 

The most representative symptoms are (1) pain in the affected area, especially when lifting a heavy object or coughing, and (2) a lump in the groin. Other symptoms that indicate the presence of inguinal hernia are: 

  • Pain around the testicles.
  • Feeling of pressure in the groin.
  • Weakness in the groin.
  • Feeling of pulling.
  • A lump that grows when we are standing or coughing.

There are, however, inguinal hernias that do not cause pain, except for swelling of a part of the groin 

Diagnosis & Treatment of Inguinal Hernia 

The general surgeon is the most specialized doctor for the treatment of inguinal hernia and you should contact him as soon as you realise the presence of hernia in the groin area. The following clinical examination includes the evaluation of the location, size and stage of the inguinal hernia, while other factors are taken into account (eg, the existence of other related diseases) before the final diagnosis is made. In rare cases, inguinal hernia requires computed tomography or ultrasound. 

Regarding the restoration and treatment of the hernia in the groin area, this is done through surgery (using general anesthesia) and after an individualized treatment plan has been drawn up according to the patient’s needs. The recovery is relatively fast but depends on the clinical picture of the patient and the needs of his body.