The term “Neurogenic bladder” includes all disorders in the functioning of the bladder due to diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves.
Neuro-urology is a sub-specialty of urology, which focuses on the treatment of disorders of the urinary system caused by various neurological diseases or nerve damage.
Over the past 60 years, the impact of Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction on the life expectancy and quality of life of affected individuals has been studied. First, the devastating course of the complications of spinal cord injuries during the world wars was studied, followed by the study of many other pathological conditions (inflammatory, malignant, or hereditary) with similar complications.
These include:
- Strokes
- Parkinson’s disease
- Dementia
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Traumatic Spinal Cord injuries
- Multiple System Atrophy
- Herniated disc
- Diabetes
- Radical pelvic surgeries
The diagnostic approach and evaluation of the neurogenic bladder includes both general and specific measures.
The Neuro-urology department of Blocks Rehab Filoktitis Recovery and Rehabilitation Center has many years of experience in the management of such cases and consists of a team of specialist nurses and therapists, under the coordination of the scientific director of the center, with the specialist neuro-urologist of the department Dr Diamantis L. Floratos MD, FEBU, PhD.
In our center, alongside the general recovery and rehabilitation services, especially for neurological patients with lower urinary tract disorders, an initial assessment of the lower urinary tract is carried out by taking a medical history adapted to each case, with a clinical examination, laboratory blood and urine tests and performing urinary tract ultrasound. In the cases where it is indicated, the most specific test to check the function of the lower urinary tract, which is the complete urodynamic test, is performed. There is also the possibility of endoscopic control of the urethra – bladder with video-cystoscopy as well as imaging control with urethrography during urination.
In terms of treatment, the treatment of these patients in our center includes both general measures (regulating fluid balance, bladder training, teaching how to perform intermittent self-catheterization), and appropriate medication. In cases unresponsive to medication, and depending on the characteristics of each case, there is the possibility of performing an intravesical injection of botulinum toxin. Finally, cases that require secondary hospital treatment, immediately or in a second time, can be treated in consultation with Dr. D. Floratos.