November 18, 2021

World Keratoconus Day | Thessaloniki in Violet

November 10th, 2021 (World Keratoconus Day): The Scientific Board of Ophthalmica Institute of Ophthalmology & Microsurgery, Thessaloniki, Greece organized a press conference at Mediterranean Palace hotel for the first official presentation of the GR edition of the book «I have Keratoconus, now…what?», which is related to the international awareness campaign called «The Violet June», an innovative idea for the prevention of keratoconus, started by Dr Renato Ambrosio Jr. MD, PhD, IORA, Instituto de Olhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and supported by the National Keratoconus Foundation (NKFC). The campaign has more than 30 sponsors and supporters in Greece.  

The same day, in cooperation with 3 municipalities of Thessaloniki, Ophthalmica team coordinated 3 «violet» illuminations in famous spots & highlights of the city: 

  • at the «Umbrellas of Zongolopoulos», the most famous modern sculpture on the coastal port | supported by the municipality of Thessaloniki 
  • at the «town hall premises of Kalamaria» | supported by the municipality of Kalamaria 
  • at the «town hall premises of Chortiati – Pylaia» | supported by the municipality of Chortiati – Pylaia 

At the 3 spots, well – trained representatives of Ophthalmica Institute systematically informed the audience about the condition, by providing free educational material and the book.  

The main goal of the book «I have Keratoconus, now…what?» is the prevention and the early diagnosis of the eye disease, so as to reduce risk factors and complications. Via modern and effective therapeutic approaches and proper management, with the help of advanced equipment, such as the popular technique of corneal collagen cross linking (CXL), the evolution of keratoconus can be successfully terminated. 

All interested parties have the opportunity to get the book «I have keratoconus, now…what?» at the premises of Ophthalmica Institute (Main unit: 196 Vas. Olgas Ave & 27 Ploutonos 27 St., City center branch: 40 Agias Sofias St.). Furthermore, the full e-book version is also available for all internet users at the official website: The distribution is free.