December 15, 2022

Over 400 participants at the 2nd International Rehabilitation Conference hosted by Metropolitan College

In November 2022, Metropolitan College, the leading College in Greece, organized the 2nd International Rehabilitation Conference entitled “From Disability to Person and Quality of life”. 

The Conference, coordinated by the Faculty of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences of Metropolitan College, took place at Metropolitan College Maroussi Campus, and was completed with great success. 

Prestigious University Professors and experienced health professionals from different health and rehabilitation fields shared research and development results, new ideas, practical experiments through outstanding presentations and informative science speech topics, giving an accurate picture of the most recent innovations, trends and clinical challenges adopted in the fields of Health, Health-Allied Sciences, Human and Life Sciences and Rehabilitation.   

In total, the 2nd Rehabilitation Conference was completed with 22 hours of interesting presentations, 4 rooms in parallel, 15 sessions, 6 keynote speeches, 4 plenary talks, 7 round tables, 34 oral presentations, 30 poster presentations, 10 workshops, 20 conference supporters and the priceless support of 42 student volunteers. 

Over 400 participants attended the event. Among them, researchers, practitioners and educators from the fields of Health, Health-Allied Sciences, Human and Life Sciences and Rehabilitation, and also students and supporters. 

It is worth mentioning the International Rehabilitation Conference by Metropolitan College is the first and only one in Greece that provides a premier interdisciplinary forum in the rapidly growing Rehabilitation scientific field.