October 18, 2021

Participation of FILOKTITIS Medical Rehabilitation Center, blocks group, in the first business mission in Libya ,October 3 and 4.

Filoktitis Medical Rehabilitation Center, of BLOCKS Group, participated in the business mission in Libya on 3-4 October 2021 which was organized by Enterprise Greece by great success.  

Filoktitis as a Greek leader in healthcare field opened channels of communication with Libyan counterparts and presented its product. Filoktitis was represented by Mr. Blagoy Palev, CFO BLOCKS Group and Mr. Kiriakos Karamoutsos, CFO FILOKTITIS S.A. 

Head of Mission was the deputy minister for Economic Diplomacy and Οpenness, Mr. Kostas Fragogiannis, accompanied by the Secretary General for International Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of Enterprise Greece, Mr. Ioannis Smyrlis and a delegation of 14 Greek enterprises. 

A total of 58 bilateral business meetings were held between Greek and Libyan enterprises mostly in the sectors of infrastructure, construction, energy and RES, health services, pharmaceuticals, and industrial products. 

Greek companies, which had a strong presence in Libya until recently, are ready to return and take an active part in the country’s reconstruction, but also to explore new prospects, while initiating bilateral economic and trade cooperation 

There are significant shortages in the field of health services and medicine, as the World Health Organization points out in its recent report on the country, creating thus another sector in which Greek enterprises will have business opportunities, having capitalizing on their vast experience in the organization of health services but also the strong production and export background in pharmaceutical products. 

The B2B & B2G meetings took place in the framework of a Business Forum organized by Enterprise Greece and the Libyan Investment Authority, focused on bilateral economic cooperation in investments and exports. 

The forum showcased the significant opportunities for cooperation in many sectors, while the common finding of all was that Greek enterprises can contribute significantly to the effort for reconstruction of the country. 

 Following the completion of the Business Forum, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the CEO of Enterprise Greece, Mr. George Filiopoulos and the Chairman and CEO of the Libyan Investment Authority, Dr. Ali Mahmoud.