August 25, 2023

Re-accreditation of Athens Medical Center according to Temos International Accreditation standard “Excellence in Medical Tourism”, including “Quality in Medical Care”

We are pleased to announce the third successful re-accreditation of Athens Medical Center, by the international accreditation organization, Temos International, according to “Excellence in Medical Tourism”, including the “Quality in Medical Care” accreditation program, for the quality and patient safety assurance processes in the provision of healthcare services.

The onsite assessment was performed by a team of three assessors from Germany and Greece, who audited the facility for four consecutive days and confirmed the commitment of the Top Management and its executives to the continuous improvement and compliance with the high-level standards of clinical services of Temos International. Athens Medical Center provides an excellent level of healthcare services, through its modern infrastructure and the highly trained medical, nursing and administrative staff who can offer to local and international patients, high-level medical care.

Healthcare providers have the opportunity to benefit in many ways from the application of the international standards of Temos International and its accreditation process, which standardizes and upgrades the procedures and the clinical efficiency as well as it enhances patients’ trust and patient experience.