July 22, 2022

Silver Distinction for the Aktios Group

SILVER DISTINCTION for the AKTIOS Group from Boussias and Diversity Charter Greece, in the Culture – Ethnicity category of the two new awards related to Women’s Empowerment, Diversity & Inclusion in Business.

The Award Ceremony took place on July 5 in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs and President of the Evaluation Committee of the Diversity & Inclusion Awards, Ms. Domna Michailidou, and the President of the Evaluation Committee of the Women Empowerment Awards, Ms. Giovanna Kampouri.

The event was attended by more than 150 executives of leading companies in the Greek market, institutions, academics, and members of the evaluation committees. The guest of honor was Ms. Jennifer McCollum, CEO of Linkage Inc.

AKTIOS Group is a vibrant and colorful care organization in Greece. For the last 15 years, it has pioneered not only the services it offers but also the social contribution reflected through its actions. Actions such as free training seminars, collaboration with the Silver Alert line, donations to charities, collaborations with many NGOs and the recent signing of the Diversity Charter are just some of the activities that take place on a regular basis. 

In recent years, especially since the beginning of the refugee crisis, it has been evident that the immigrant population in Greece lacks opportunities, especially opportunities for work and professional development. For this reason, AKTIOS Group tried to integrate more and more immigrants into its human resources. By offering satisfactory fees, full insurance, and group private insurance it offers again a piece of hope that may have been deprived due to circumstances.

We are happy about this distinction which comes as a recognition of our philosophy.

AKTIOS Group has embraced, educated, and integrated into his large family, immigrants.