August 25, 2022

Stress and aging

Stress shortens life as it leaves a heavy mark not only on our mental but also on our physical health. In particular, its existence for a long period of time multiplies the chances of asthma, ulcers, heart attack and stroke, without people being able to deal with them. Social stressors are also job uncertainty, chronic stress and situations that cause stress in family life such as the existence of sexism and domestic violence in everyday life with traumatic events, bring about an overworked immune system, at which point the coordinated ceases.

Specific types of immune cells were studied such as CD4, helper T lymphocytes and CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which are the reliable indicator of immune strength, especially in the era of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The study showed that those who experience racism events have psychological traumas know that stress affects their physical health and dealing with these consequences requires an analysis of emotions by experts. Everyone is affected differently by stress and reacts in different ways to manage the problem. Focusing on everything that fills us with joy and on people who can support us, are two conditions that can really help us. This practically means that we should engage in some favorite hobbies, spend more time with loved ones and disconnecting from work and social media whenever we can.

The telomeres are the last ends of the chromosomes which, while they do not have much informational value, seal the ends of the chromosomes as caps and are responsible for the integrity of the DNA, so that it does not wear out naturally from the oxidative stress of metabolic processes. Telomeres in their natural state shorten with each cycle of cell division. When they shorten to a critical length, they lose the protection they provide to chromosomes, accelerating DNA damage, while cells undergo apoptosis, causing normal aging. With each cell duplication, a piece of the gene is lost and not copied, and the protein-producing chromosomes are reduced, promoting aging.

The speed of telomere shortening depends on genes, but also on environmental factors, such as mental illnesses, long-term stress whose stressors increase cortisol and lifestyles such as consuming toxic substances, smoking, poor diet and being sedentary. Eric Putterman, Research Professor in Health and Physical Vitality at the University of British Columbia, Canada advocates from his studies that telomeres can lengthen, that is, the aging process is not predetermined as previously thought, even making scientific predictions that the longevity of 150 years will be possible and will soon be fulfilled, while we all know that the silver age and fourth golden age is a conquest of preventive and personalized Medicine.

Konstantinos Kouskoukis

Professor of Dermatology – Lawyer

President Hippocratic Academy of Thermal Medicine

President World Academy of Chinese & Complimentary Medicine