September 16, 2022

The role of Art Therapy and How it improves Patients’ quality of life

Art therapy has been proven to help reduce feelings of depression, stress, and anxiety in all age groups. It is especially helpful for seniors because it helps them divert their focus and free time to something productive. In Leonia, the top elderly care units in Greece, we have incorporated several forms of art in our residents’ daily activities’ program, and the results are impressive.

Indeed, art therapy became a distinct form of psychotherapy back in the 1940s. It was considered an effective way for people of different age groups to express their emotions and achieve personal growth. Different activities can act as a source of comfort and be beneficial for the elderly’s health, especially for those who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s. It is a well-documented fact that seniors who practice various forms of art therapy can improve their quality of life and improve brain function.  

In Leonia, we have introduced a new department of Art Therapy for our patients’ wellbeing, that is been formed by the team of Neuropsychologists, Psychologists, and Physiotherapists, who have researched and applied different methods of therapy to our patients. More specifically, they have introduced painting, sculpture, music, and cooking sessions on a daily or weekly basis.

By utilizing a variety of art forms, we enable our residents to develop new skills and express themselves in a variety of ways. Also, we give the opportunity to people suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s, to improve their perception, but also their quality of life. For instance, board games and other artistic activities such as collage, and painting, help patients improve neuromuscular coordination skills. Also, matching pictures and other related activities, help maintain visual recognition and promote concentration and activation of the patient’s observation.

In Leonia, we have incorporated the abovementioned on our patients’ daily life activities, and we have noticed worth mentioned positive results. All in all, our research in Art Therapy is in progress; therefore in the following months we will present further data with regards the patients’ adaptation upon these techniques.