November 23, 2021

Thermal Medicine: Therapeutic action of radon

Radon (Rn-222) is a noble gas that comes from the decay of radium Ra-226 and emits α-particles. As water gushes to the earth’s surface part of the radon is converted to gaseous radon. 

Although, almost all thermal waters in Greece are radioactive, this is not enough for a source to be characterized as radioactive, as radioactivity must be high enough, in order thermal water to be classified as a therapeutic source. 

Radon thermal waters are sources that have been measured and are from Mach 3.5 and above, regardless of their chemical composition and temperature and are divided into low (<500Bq/L), medium (500-3000Bq/L) and high radon (>3000Bq/L) content. 

Radon’s lifespan is very short and it is rapidly eliminated from the body; 80% of the absorbed radon is eliminated in the first hour after bathing through the lungs and exhalation, while the remaining 20% ​​is excreted in 24 hours through sweat, skin pores, as well as through diuresis Due to its rapid excretion from the body, there is no risk of accumulation in the human body. 

Radon in the thermal waters penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the adipose tissue, while its subsidiaries are absorbed by the kidneys, and the unbound radon that has entered by respiration is transferred from the pulmonary parenchyma to the blood.

The action of radon on the tissues of the body is anti-inflammatory and analgesic, as it directly affects the nerve tissue and articular cartilage, resulting in reduced pain and swelling of one or more joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis. 

Radon has anti-inflammatory action in gynecological diseases, such as cervicitis, tubalitis and fallopian tube infertility, a consequence of previous inflammations. The action of radon in the ovaries, also, results in the normal functioning of the ovaries and in the regulation of menstrual disorders, sterilization and osteoporosis. 

Dermatological therapeutic indications for radon balneotherapy are psoriasis, juvenile and rosacea, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis and pruritic skin diseases, as well as desensitization of allergic agents. 

Radon therapy, also, increases insulin levels made by radon therapy and promotes the glycogenic synthesis of G-6-PDH resulting in relief from the symptoms of diabetes. 

It is scientifically proven that thermal hydrotherapy, plays an important role in rejuvenating the body, resting and relaxing from chronic fatigue (burnout). MediSpa is a trend across Europe, where visitors use as treatment, recovery and prevention for longevity and well-being, avoiding mass tourism, seeking quality and twelve-month tourism in the context of sustainable and sustainable development by contributing to the protection of climate change. 

by Konstantinos Kouskoukis 

Professor of Dermatology – Lawyer – President of Hellenic Academy of Thermal Medicine – President of World Academy of Chinese and Complementary Medicine – f. Vice Chancellor of the University of Democritus – General Secretary at Ministry of Health

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