April 26, 2023

Varicose veins – What are they and how are they treated?

Varicose veins are a common dermatological problem that many people experience from time to time. In this article we will examine exactly what varicose veins are, what are the causes of their appearance as well as what are the appropriate ways to deal with them.

Varicose veins are superficial, distinct dilations of the vessels that lie beneath the skin. Essentially, these are small veins that become visible on the skin due to their great distensibility. Varicose veins can appear on different parts of the body, such as the face, legs and abdomen and are usually red or purple in various lines and shapes.

Causes of varicose veins

There are several factors that can contribute to the appearance of varicose veins. Some of them include:

– the genetic predisposition

– the age

– exposure to the sun

– poor blood circulation

– hormonal changes,

– the use of drugs during pregnancy

– skin texture as people with thin skin are more likely to develop varicose veins.

How are veins treated?

The treatment of varicose veins depends on the severity of the problem, their location and the lifestyle of each person. In some cases, changing your lifestyle and taking preventative measures can help reduce their appearance. These measures include sun protection, improving blood circulation through regular exercise, avoiding alcohol, avoiding smoking, and using dietary supplements that promote blood vessel health.

In more severe cases, treatment by a specialist in the treatment of varicose veins may be necessary. Some of the more common treatments include:

– Use of Laser. Laser therapy uses specific levels of light to heat and destroy the enlarged vessels,

– Sclerotherapy: It involves injecting special chemicals into the small vessels to cause them to be absorbed by the body.

– Microphlebectomy: It is a minor surgical procedure, in which the doctor removes the small vessels through very small incisions in the skin.

Before deciding on the appropriate treatment, it is important to consult a specialist, such as the dermatologist or vascular specialist to determine the severity of the problem and decide on the most effective treatment. It is also important to remember that treating varicose veins may require multiple sessions and that results may vary from person to person.

In conclusion

In summary, varicose veins are enlarged blood vessels that appear under the skin and cause a cosmetic problem for many people. Their appearance can be due to a variety of factors as already discussed, among which are genetic predisposition, age, hormonal changes and sun exposure. Treatment of varicose veins may include lifestyle changes, adherence to preventive measures or in more severe cases medical methods such as laser therapy, sclerotherapy or microphlebectomy.

If you are concerned about the appearance of spider veins on your skin, it is important to see a specialist to assess your condition and recommend the most effective treatment.