March 23, 2022

What are cardiovascular disease risk factors?

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease are particular habits, behaviors, circumstances or conditions that increase a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease,including lack of exercise, unhealthy eating, smoking,diabetes, age and family history. 

Cardiovascular disease is a broad, umbrella term used to describe all conditions affecting the heart and circulatory system, including coronary heart disease, stroke,heart attack and aortic disease. 

Cardiovascular disease risk factors can be split into two categories: modifiable and non-modifiable.Non-modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors are those that cannot be changed.These include a person’s age, ethnicity and family history (genetics cannot be changed), among other factors.Modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors are those that can be reduced or controlled with altered behavior. By making certain lifestyle changes, people are able to lower their chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Examples include smoking, diet and exercise. 

Possessing one or more risk factors increases a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease; it does not, however, mean that cardiovascular disease is an inevitability.If you think that you might have signs of cardiovascular disease, you have to consult your doctor. 

Risk Factors: 

  • Family history 
  • Age 
  • Ethnicity 
  • Sex 
  • Socioeconomic status 
  • Cholesterol 
  • Hypertension 
  • Diabetes 
  • Smoking 
  • Physical inactivity 
  • Diet 
  • Obesity